Special Issue (OPEN) – Green Theory & Praxis Journal

The Green Theory and Praxis Journal (GTPJ; ISSN: 1941-0948), founded in 2005 founded by Anthony J. Nocella II, Steve Best, Mark Somma, Michael Becker, and Richard Kahn, arose out of two projects: the “Revolutionary Environmentalism: A Dialogue Between Activists and Academics” Conference on February 13-14, 2003, at Fresno State University and Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth (Best and Nocella 2006). GTPJ is a carefully peer reviewed, intersectional social justice publication focused on the global ecological community. This academic-activist journal is dedicated to expanding and challenging classic scholarship on environmental issues, as the field has long been dominated by white, able-bodied, Christian, Western-colonial perspectives on ecology, wilderness, nature, and the environment, with a deficit of criticism against corporate greenwashing and capitalism.

Special issue on Ecophenomenology

The aim of this special issue is to explore the intersection of phenomenology and environmental philosophy. It examines the relevance of Husserl, Merleau – Ponty etc. on the topics of this field raised by environmental issues, and then proposes new approaches to the natural world and its impact to human nature. The contributors will demonstrate ecophenomenology’s issues to engage in an ecological self – evaluation of natural and human assumptions. This issue marginalized environmental topics and will offer new perspectives between phenomenologists, ecologically-minded theorists and comparative philologists.

Topics of issue:

  • ecophenomenology in literary texts (American and European Literature 19th-20th)
  • transcendental ecophenomenology
  • ecophenomenology as discipline
  • Husserl or M. Merleau – Ponty and their contributions to ecophenomenology
  • ecophenomenology today
  • phenomenology after eco-orientation


Nikoleta Zampaki, PhD Candidate of Modern Greek Philology, Department of Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, International Student at Harvard Extension School, Harvard University, U.S.A. and International Student at Oxford University, U.K.


Erik Juergensmeyer, Associate Professor of English, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO, USA (https://ejuergensmeyer.wordpress.com/)

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